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HabboHood Watch


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Funky Friday

HabboHood Watch
June 11, 2003
Welcome to your weekly roundup of safety and anti-scamming tips from Habbo Hotel.

Keep a watchful eye on race room scams. Sometimes meanie scammers work in pairs and pretend they win, when in fact they just want to fool you and take your furni. If you pay furni to race or be moved up a square (how silly is that?), or if you pay furni to do anything else such as get a job, bet in the casinos, or buy a Habbo name - you do so at your own risk! Use your good common sense before paying furni to anyone.

I don't think I've seen so much mail as I received in response to last week's Safety Challenge No. 46. Very clever stuff everyone. And some of you, well if I had a ruler I'd take your knuckles and...no, not really ;)

Here are the top 5 entries. Be sure to read the Safety Challenge No. 47 below to find out what happens next. Muhahahahahhahhahahhaha...

  • BECS Beautiful and Elegant Coordinator of Safety by Schteve
  • Safety Sensei by xxxDudexxx
  • The Scammer Hammer/Hacker Cracker by -x-CHiPPeR-x-
  • SCAMINATOR by triplex3
  • Queen of the Safety Scene by poetdreamer
    and an honarable mention goes to my especially perceptive Habbo friend below (heh heh)
  • the Great, Wise and Powerful Becs by sk8er@boy

    WORD UP!
    The WORD UP! winners this week are:

  • yoob
  • Saol
  • PunkRockJen
  • Catz10115
  • Prof.Mouser
  • Skaterpro420
  • LittlePunk

    FROM THE MAGICAL DESK OF THE SafetyFairy **ding**
    Hi lovelies! Well, I managed to make a few cameo appearances last week, despite my computer glitches. I visited as many parties as I could. My Safety Glade was FILLED with lovely Habbos who were FILLED with kind words and regards for moi. And now I have such a lovely present room FILLED with prezzies from my lovely Habbo safety fans. Thank you, merci bien, graci, gracias, and 'Fanks!' Until next week...I wish you all 'fairy' good things.

    Safety Central
    There will be a Saftey Party at my room. Search Bloodbones - it's called the saftey lounge. Please come as there will be a few quizes and some pressies to win. It will be all day on Friday the 13th :o.

    cooldude.100 will be holding his first annual safety-party on friday the 13th of June at 4:30pm GMT/BST. There will be safety prizes, quizes, games, and much much more. 

    BacardiBloke has a special room for the safety-concious called [HPS] :Habbo Police Station. Check it out!

    AaronAS has a cool site www.habbosafety.co.uk.

    This week, one of our regular HHW fans, Flickie, requested permission (well, he begged really) to ask quick random questions to random Habbos to test their knowledge about the Hotel. We think of Flickie as our roving, random and rapid reporter. He's so ...out of the blue. We never really know what he'll do next!

    Flickie asked the question:
    When should you call a Hobba? He sent me all the responses and I've chosen my favorite (though they were all quite good) to publish right here in this spot. My favorite response this week is from :::sound trumpet::: Sparkles who responded "In an emergency. Like when someone's scamming, blocking, or flooding." The keyword in Sparkle's response is emergency. WORD UP! Only call Hobbas in an emergency.
    Thanks Flickie and Sparkles!

    submitted by :baby.foxy:

    When do you call a Hobba?

    When there's a door blocker in the way,
    and the owner of the room is away,
    call a Hobba by clicking the blue question mark
    and the naughty Habbo will soon run out of luck

    When there's a Habbo in the room
    that is shouting out alot of bobbas,
    all you have to do is call for a Hobba
    and the Habbo will very soon be muted,
    for saying so many foul words
    that have to be filtered!

    When there are flooders and scammers on the loose
    you can call a Hobba if you choose
    But the "call for help" is not to be fooled with
    so "use it wisely!" is the advice I'll give.

    Remember: Hobbas are habbos too!
    so call them only when it's necessary to
    especially when there's someone breaking the rules
    you can count on them to be there for you!

    Submitted by SPOZZ

    Habbo Jean

    (Sung to the tune "Billie Jean")

    She was more like a hacking queen from a computer screen.
    I said I don't mind, but what do you mean 'I am the one',
    Who will scam on the site in the round?
    She said I am the one who will scam on the site in the round?

    She told me she was a Hobba, and she caused a scene!
    Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of furni and fun!
    Who will scam on the site in the round?

    Habbos always told me be careful of what you do,
    And don't go around being hacked or scammed,
    And Hobbas always told me be careful who you meet,
    And be careful what you do because giving creds ain't the truth.

    Habbo Jean is not a Hobba,
    She's just a girl who wants your name and password!
    So shes a scammer who isn't fun,
    She says I am the one, but the furni ain't no fun!

    For forty days And forty nights,
    The Hobbas were on her side,
    But who can stand when she's in demand,
    For my password,
    'Cause she hacks on the screen in the round,
    So take my strong sdvice, just remember to always think twice,

    She told me that I could have a treat,
    As she looked at me,
    Then showed a photo of typos and thrones,
    My eyes shined and gleamed,
    Who will scam on the site in the round?

    Habbos always told me be careful of what you do,
    And don't go around being hacked or scammed,
    She came and stood right by me,
    She said I could have my furni soon,
    This happened much too soon,
    She called me to her room,

    Habbo Jean is not a Hobba,
    She's Just a Girl who wants your name and password!
    So she's a scammer who isn't fun.
    She says I am the one, but the furni ain't no fun!
    Habbo Jean is not a Hobba,
    She's just a girl who wants your name and password!
    So she's a scammer who isn't fun.
    She says I am the one, but the furni ain't no fun!
    She says I am the one, but the furni ain't no fun!
    Habbo Jean is not a Hobba,
    She's just a girl who wants your name and password!
    So she's a scammer who isn't fun.
    She says I am the one, but the furni ain't no fun!
    Habbo Jean is not a Hobba!

    Our question this week is submitted by PeterH100 who asks:

    Q: Why don't hobbas come when you report a door blocker? P.S This is the 10th time I have emailed you and will I get a typewriter if this is published?

    Our very own gamey Hobba
    PsychoLlama answers:

    A:Well dear Peter, calls about door blocker are probably the most common we receive. Some days they easily amount to over half of the calls we get...bleh. Since door blockers are so easy to deal with, we can take care of several of these calls in a few minutes time without coming to the room.

    Personally, they're my favorite call to take. I'm not sure why. Maybe because I like saying "door" so much. Door Door Door. Anyway, the fact that there are so many door blockers makes it quite tedious for us but we certainly get to them.

    Sometimes new door blockers come a few seconds after we leave the room or after we've removed them. This can cause a little bit of confusion; a quick Habbo might send a call right when a new door blocker comes, and we might think it's just a delayed call from the previous door blocker, so we don't know it's somebody new. Confused yet? Heh, try sitting in our virtual shoes! This doesn't happen too often, though. Don't worry if you have to send the same door blocker call 2 or 3 times to get our attention!

    As for your anticipated lovely orange typewriter... well... though my room full of monkeys on typewriters is quite busy editing 'Hamlet' (so it can be read by the layman), I suppose I can spare one for you. Just make sure you wash it thoroughly before using it.


  • You may not ask a Hobba to play WORD UP! or you're disqualified. The WORD UP! Hobba must initiate WORD UP!
  • Find the WORD UP! phrase somewhere in this newsie by searching for the bold phrase WORD UP! and looking for the phrase that follows.
  • When the designated Hobba shouts out WORD UP! you should type out the WORD UP! phrase of the week in ALL CAPS.
  • Harassing Hobbas to play WORD UP! will disqualify you

    You Decide
    What's your favorite Bec's title listed at the top of this page? Send me your vote for the best of the best and we'll publish the most popular pick next week. Remember, be sure to choose the HabboHood Watch Feedback form when sending me your submissions.

    Thank you for your emails, submissions, and respect your fellow Habbos

    As always...

    Safe Habboing,

    Head Hobba/Safety Guru

    <a href="http://eu.xmts.net/29166" target="_proferowin"><font color="black"><img SRC="http://eu.xmts.net/1330/29166" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=600 BORDER=0></font></a>

    "Remember people online may not be who they say they are. So don't give out your address, email, mobile or other contact details"